Friday, December 28, 2007

97 Degrees of Separation

We're getting ready to head to Colorado this afternoon and after staying up to 1am packing last night all I can say is WHEW!! The good news, the guest bedroom no longer looks like a mall exploded.. The bad news, where are we going to put all of our winter stuff when we get back?!?! We'll deal with that when we return I guess.

So as I get online this morning the sunshine streams thru the windows, a neighbor wearing shorts and flip flops walks her dog thru the parking lot, another beautiful South Florida morning. I go to &
I looked at the top of the screen to my default home city of Pompano Beach and it reads 80 degrees. I put in Breckenridge, CO to see what we're facing and I see the current temperature.. It says -17 degrees with a wind chill of -37!!

Now I'm no math whiz, but to me, that seems like a 97 degree difference!! What are we getting ourselves into?

Stay tuned, it's going to be an interesting week..

1 comment:

Mom and Dad said...

Tee Hee,
Intresting is hardly the word I would use to describe the coming week. We'll see what word you use when you return. Keep the flesh covered, and stay warm. Love, MOM and DAd